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​There are various ways parishioners can become involved in the life of their parish community.  Liturgical ministries are not the only way individuals can dedicate their time and talents to the celebrations of Masses and special services.  Parishioners have the option of selecting from liturgical and musical ministries. Please contact us for more information concerning the ministries of the Partner Parishioners of St. John the Baptist and St. Joseph

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers – This ministry is open to children and adults who wish to be servers for Sunday, Holy Days and special Masses. Altar server training is offered at various times throughout the year. Persons interested in becoming Altar Servers should Contact the pastoral center for more information.

Eucharistic Ministers – A lay person who assists the priest in administering the elements of Holy Communion, the consecrated bread and wine. They also may take the sacrament to those who are ill, or otherwise unable to attend mass. A person interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister should contact the pastoral center.

Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality – Ushers welcome the people as they enter the church. They also pass out materials, take up the collection, coordinate gift bearers, and hand out bulletins. Ushers also provide security and assistance in case of emergencies. A person interested in becoming an usher should contact the the pastoral center.

Lectors – Parishioners who express an interest in proclaiming the word of God during Mass or at other liturgies may be trained to assist in this ministry. Even as all Catholics should have a love for our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the word made flesh, some parishioners hear that call to proclaim Christ’s message to others through this ministry. A person interested in becoming a lector should contact the Pastoral Center.

Ministry of Consolation – Parishioners/ministers that accompany in the prayerful and pastoral journeying with the dying and their families. They also assist the family in the preparation and planning of all Funeral rites. A person interested in becoming a Minster of Consolation should contact the Pastoral Center

Music Ministries

Cantor – Parishioners who have the talent and express an interest in leading the assembly in song may inquire about becoming a cantor. A person interested in becoming a cantor should contact the pastoral center.

Choir – Parishioners who are interest in praising God through song may join the choir in order to enhance worship with their singing. A person interested in becoming a member of the choir should contact the pastoral center.